Our compilation service assists management with the presentations of financial statements when those statements are to be used for business purposes and when no level of assurance is desired. The financial statements are the representation of the business. Our role involves utilizing our accounting and financial reporting expertise to assist in the preparation. We are not required to make inquiries or perform other procedures to corroborate the accuracy or completeness of the information that form the basis of the financial statements. We do, however, have certain other responsibilities because of our direct association with the financial statements. Some of these include:
- Having, or obtaining, an understanding of the applicable financial reporting framework and the significant accounting policies used in the preparation of the financial statements.
- Reading the compiled financial statements and considering whether they appear to be appropriate in form and free from obvious material misstatements
- Preparing the CPA’s compilation letter detailing our scope of involvement
Contact our office if our compilation service may meet you business needs.
See our review and audit engagements for our services when greater levels of assurance are required.